Star Wars Tattoos Ideas: The Top 10 Best Tattoos For Star Wars Fans
Tyler Martina
Star Wars Tattoos Ideas: May the 4th Tattoos For Star Wars Fans
Looking for that perfect tattoo to throw in the face of the Empire? Then, we have you covered with Star Wars Tattoo ideas for the rebel scum in all of us.
We searched the galaxy far and wide for the best Jedi approved tattoos for all your rebels out there, and this is what we found. So relax, put on some authentic cantina jams from 'Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes', and enjoy the best Star Wars Tattoo ideas the galaxy has to offer.
Plus, as a bonus we have added some of the galaxies best Star Wars flash tattoo sheets and Star Wars piercing and jewelry ideas at the end of our list, that will help inspire your next tattoo or piercing wether you are in Southern California, or a galaxy far, far away...
Lightsaber Star Wars Tattoo
Glowing, cutting, cauterizing, and sounding dope AF, the lightsaber is a Star Wars icon. Whether the crimson red wielded by the dark side or the light sides blue, greens, yellows, and purples (looking at you Mace), lightsabers look awesome for tattoos. This lightsaber tattoo combines many colors and Star Wars symbols for a great tattoo.

Tattoo done by Wulf
Rebel Pilot Star Wars Tattoo
Is your hyperdrive not working? No worries, these Rebel pilots can taxi you to safe place far away from the empires guards. So, light speed to the tattoo shop, where you can get a Star Wars tattoo that will take you to a galaxy far, far away.

Tattoo done by Wulf
Mandalorian Helmet Star Wars Tattoo
We can’t all be born with a high midichlorian count, so flip a big middle finger to the force and create what you weren’t born with, like a Mandalorian! Tattoos and gear cost credits, so get out there, get some bounties, and get your Mandalorian Helmet Tattoo. This Star Wars Tattoo Idea is great for the Stoic rebel that always gets their mark.
Tattoo done by Ryan
Darth Vader And Luke Father Son Star Wars Tattoo
Who hasn't been dismembered by their Dad in a fight? Dad and son may not see eye to eye on everything, but they can always hug it out. It seems like "the force" pulling these two together can even overcome the dark side. A great father son Star Wars tattoo idea.
Tattoo done by Eddie
C3PO and R2D2 Tattoo
The OG Star Wars robots, sassy R2D2 and his hall monitor homie C3PO. These two hunks of junk are the galaxies first odd couple, and they have around for all of the most pivotal moments in the Skywalker saga. A great Star Wars tattoo idea.

artist unknown, let us know so we can link
Princess Leia Star Wars Tattoo
This Princess Leia tattoo looks so beautiful even her brother would want to give her a kiss. Done in the traditional tattoo style so popular on planets in the outer rim, this tattoo is as timeless as that innocent incestual kiss she shared with Luke.
Tattoo done by Sarah
Lightsaber Duel Star Wars Tattoo
The blades clash, the sparks fly, a father and son locked in an epic battle where the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance… This Star Wars tattoo has enough drama for anybody's mama, the battle that has been raging for all time, light vs. dark, old vs. young, the empire vs. the new republic.
Tattoo done by Ryan
AT - ST Walker Star Wars Tattoo
The AT-AT walker is a great Star Wars tattoo idea. This Star Wars tattoo is done realistically, and the arm placement is perfect for the shape of the AT-AT Walker. You must be “trippin” if you don’t love this Star Wars tattoo.

artist unknown, let us know so we can link
Blue Lightsaber Star Wars Tattoo "The Force Shall Free Me"
Is that another lightsaber tattoo on our list, or are we just happy to see you? This lightsaber tattoo combines elements from the Jedi and the Sith, with its Jedi blue glow, and the Sith saying “The force shall set me free”. An awesome tattoo idea for any Star Wars fan.
Tattoo done by Ryan
Millennium Falcon and Death Star Tattoos
She might just look like an old freighter, but she is one the fastest ships in the galaxy. Not only did she make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, but she also saved the bigwigs of the Rebel Alliance on multiple occasions. You know her, and you love her, the Millennium Falcon. Any smuggler would be proud to show off this Millennium Falcon tattoo at Oga’s Cantina or any other galactic dive bar. Oh yeah, there is also a Death Tattoo, but apparently there is some rookie pilot named Luke gettiing close, so I don't think we will have to worry about it for long.

Tattoo done by Adriana
Star Wars Piercing and Jewelry Ideas
Tattoos aren't the only way show your love fro Star Wars, check out these Star Wars piercing and jewelry ideas. We have something for everyone whether your on the light side or have be seduced by the power of the dark side...
Star Wars Light Side Jewelry Curations
Any Jedi would be proud to decorate their body with this Light Side inspired jewelry. The Galaxy is a beautiful place, and these Light Side piercings can help you add more beauty to it every day, not just May 4th.

Star Wars Dark Side Jewelry Curations
With chains the Jabba The Hut would approve of for any slave girl, our Dark Side piercing and jewelry collection will help you rise through the ranks of the Empire quicker quicker than a Sith with mommy issues.

Star Wars Flash Sheets
Below are some Flash Sheets made by the artists at Mr. Inkwells to help find some more Star Wars tattoo ideas....
Blackwork Star Wars Flash Sheets
These Star Wars flash sheets are perfect for the fan that wants a clean and simple design to represent their love for the Star Wars universes. These flash sheets have something for everyone, whether you are on team Empire or team Rebel.
Tattoo Flash done by Ryan
Tattoo Flash done by Ryan
Star Wars / Powerpuff Mash up Flash Sheet
This Star Wars Powerpuff mash up features the galaxies most wanted babes, Ahsoka, Amidala, and the OG, Leia of Alderaan. These are the perfect Star Wars tattoo ideas for those that believe women rule.
Tattoo Flash done by Steve
Anakin Becomes Vader Tattoo
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” This Star Wars tattoo idea shows that when you let the dark side in, destruction follows. And not just the destruction of others, but yourself...
Tattoo Flash done by Steve
Boba Fett Star Wars Tattoo
If you are "hunting" for a new Star Wars tattoo idea, then this Boba Fett tattoo will give you a "bounty" of inspiration.
Tattoo Flash done by Steve
Traditional Star Wars Flash Sheet
These traditional Star Wars flash tattoo tattoos are a great choice for the Star Wars or tattoo purest. With all the classic characters you know and love, this Star Wars flash sheet has a tattoo for every fan.
Tattoo Flash done by Sarah
Illustrative Color Star Wars Flash Sheet
"Face" it these Star Wars flash tattoos are perfect for anyone with a good "head" on their shoulders. Use your "noggin" and get one of these Star Wars tattoos.
Tattoo Flash done by Steve
We know there is a whole galaxy full of other Star Wars tattoo ideas, and will be adding more Star Wars tattoo ideas as you get them tattooed. Tell us in the comments below what Star Wars tattoos you like the best.
We will be hanging out here in Tattooine creating Star Wars flash and turning your Star Wars tattoo dreams into reality. To book your Star Wars tattoo or piercing in lightspeed click here. Until the next episode, may the force be with you ....
See you soon!