10 Best Scary Movie Tattoos: Best Horror Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tyler Martina

Best Scary Movie Tattoos Best Ideas for Spooky Movie Tattoos

10 Best Scary Movie Tattoos: Best Horror Movie Tattoo Ideas

Do you like scary movies …? Of course you do! Tattoo culture and scary movies go together like Raver's and glow-sticks. The things in scary movies that make our skin crawl, make our skin look amazing when we get them tattooed. 

That is why we put together a list for all your horror fanatic Boils and Ghouls out there, the 10 Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas. In this list we include spooky movie tattoos from past and present, and show you some of the most iconic scary movie stars tattooed on flesh.

So, grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and enjoy our list of the 10 Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas ...


#10: Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark Movie Tattoos

The book we all loved as kids came to big screen putting face on what we could only imagine as we read. The Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark movie tattoo below is done in the traditional tattoo style, and the smile on your face will be as big as hers if you get your favorite scary movie tattoo.

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark Movie Tattoo Best Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Tacho

#9: Army Of Darkness Movie Tattoos

Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army Of Darkness, redefined what made a scary movie, and the hero of those films, Ash, will live on forever. This scary movie tattoo pays homage to his legacy with arguably one of his most famous lines: "Hail to the king, baby!"

 Army Of Darkness Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Ryan


#8: Friday The 13th Movie Tattoos

The hockey mask and the machete... No it's not some deranged Canadian, it's your favorite movie villain the refuses to stay dead, Jason Voorhees! Friday The 13th movie tattoos hold a specials place in hearts, because it reminds us of everyones favorite holiday... Friday The The 13th!

Friday The 13th Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

 Tattoo done by Ryan


#7: Universal Monsters Movie Tattoos

The movies that brought monsters to the mainstream, the Universal Movie Monsters are a great scary movie tattoo idea. Below is a tattoo of the King and Queen of classic horror monsters, Frankenstein and his bride.

Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein Movie Tattoos Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

 Tattoo done Steve


#6: The Lost Boys Movie Tattoos

These aren’t Peter Pans Lost Boys, these Lost Boys are a whole lot cooler, but they do suck. The Lost Boys is a cult vampire classic scary movie, and the tattoo below captures the look and feel of the 80s classic. 

 The Lost Boys Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Sarah

Vampire Biting Lips Tattoo Lost Boys Scary Movie Tattoo

Tattoo done by Cam 

#5: Nightmare Before Christmas Movie Tattoos 

The Pumpkin King is loved by many and respected by all. That is why this Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington Tattoo is #5 on our Best Scary Movie Tattoos list. A modern classic created by scary and weird movie master, Tim Burton.

jack skellington in Heart Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Ryan

Nightmare Before Christmas Jack On Grave Tattoo

Tattoo done by Ryan

Zero Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoo

 Tattoo done by Tacho


#4: Beetlejuice Movie Tattoos

"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetleju..... " is #4 on our Scary movies tattoo list. "He'll make you laugh, he'll make you scream, he'll help you in the afterlife, know what I mean" Don't let your head get "too big" Beetlejuice. Also, that Beetlejuice Sand Worm ruined sand dunes for me as a kid, which means as scary movie (Horror Comedy), it did its job.


 beetlejuice movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done Steve

Beetlejuice Sand Worm Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas 

Tattoo done Sara 

Beetle Juice Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done Sara 

Beetlejuice Sandworm and Skull Movie Tattoo, Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done Sara 

#3: Michael Myers Halloween Movie Tattoos

You can't have a scary movies tattoo list without the man who made Halloween scary again Michael Myers. This scary movie tattoo is dark, simple, and scary, just like Michael Myers himself.

michael myers halloween Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Ryan


#2: Scream Movie Tattoos

Scream is one of those once in a generation scary movies. It had it all, classic scary movie elements mixed with innovative new ideas, complete with a twist no one saw coming. This Scream ghostface knife tattoo is just as innovative in the way it blends the knife with the killers mask.

Scream Ghostface Knife Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas 

Tattoo done by Devon

#1: Silence Of The Lambs Movie Tattoos

The #1 tattoo on our Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas list is Silence Of The Lambs Movie Tattoos, and the portrait tattoos below are soooo tasty we all want to eat them up like Hannibal Lecter. And, what better place to commemorate the worlds most famous cannibal than a tattoo on human flesh. The only thing this tattoo needs now is some fava beans and chianti, slurp, slurp.

Silence Of The Lambs Movie Tattoo Portraits Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoos done Steve

Hannibal Lecter Movie Tattoo Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done Steve


We hope you enjoyed the list of the 10 Best Scary Movie Tattoo Ideas. What was your favorite scary movie tattoo ideas? Is there any other scary movie tattoos you would like to see? Let us know in the comments below.

If any other these tattoos left wanting to get your tattoo horror fix, then make sure to book your tattoo at Mr. Inkwells tattoo shop, where one of our artists can design you a scary movie tattoo that will make your skin crawl.

See you soon!


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