How Old Do You Have To Be To Get A Piercing In California: Plus Other Common Questions About Getting Pierced In CA
Tyler Martina
How Old Do You Have To Be To Get A Piercing In California: Plus Other Common Questions About Getting Pierced In CA
You wake up one day and you want to get a new piercing. You know what piercing you want to get and you are ready to go. Then, you ask yourself?
What age do you have to be to get a piercing in California?
You search all over the internet, ask your friends, and call piercings shops, but you can’t seem to get a straight answer. What are you going to do?
Well don’t worry, we know finding information about getting piercings can be difficult, especially figuring out what age you need to be to get pierced. And we are here to help. We have put together a comprehensive guide all about getting piercings in California.
This guide will include:
What age you need to be to get different piercings in California
What you need to bring to prove your age in California
If your parent or guardian needs to be with you if you are under and 18, and what they need to bring
And, links to different piercing locations, jewelry, and more.
It’s a quick read that you should definitely check out before you get a new piercing in California. That way you will know exactly what piercings you can get, what you need to bring. And, you make your piercing day all about fun and jewelry, instead of figuring out whether you can get pierced or not.
What age do you need to be to get different piercings in California?
The age requirements for piercings in California are very simple: You must be over 18 for nipples or genitalia no matter what (also, tattoos in CA are 18 and over as well). For all the other piercings in California, if you are not 18 years old, you must have a parent or legal guardian with you.
That’s right, there are no set age rules for all the other piercings in California, as long as you are accompanied by your parent or legal guardian, and they give you permission.
It may sound wild when you read it, but we all know it is very common for babies to get their ears pierced, and young children getting nose piercings are common in many cultures.
With all of this gray area it is up to tattoo and piercing shops, and tattoo and piercing organizations to set their own standards and age requirements.
At Mr. Inkwells our age requirements for getting certain piercings are as follows:
8+ years old:
Earlobes Piercing
14+ years old:
Conch Piercing
Daith Piercing
Helix Piercing
Nostril Piercing
Flat Piercing
Forward Helix Piercing, Industrial Piercing
Rook Piercing
Septum Piercing
Snug Piercing
Tragus Piercing
16+ years old:
Ashley Lip Piercing
Belly Button/Navel Piercing
Eyebrow Piercing
Lip Piercing
Medusa Piercing
Snake Bite Piercing Vertical Labret Piercing
Tongue Piercing
18+ years old:
Nipple Piercing
Genital Piercing
And all Tattoos
What do you need to prove your age for a piercing in California?

If you are 18 years old you to prove your age for a piercing in California you need a valid government issued ID card.
If you are under 18 years old, your parent or guardian will need a valid government issued Id card in order to sign for you.
If your parent or guardian needs to be with you if you are under and 18, and what they need to bring in California?
As stated above if you want to get a piercing as a minor in California your parent or legal guardian must bring a valid government issued ID card, and sign a statement attesting to their relationship to you and allowing you to get the piercing. That’s it.
Additional piercing information and links:
Now that you know what age you need to be to get a piercing in California, you can check out some more of our piercing guides. These guides will show you different piercing types, piercing ideas, and piercing aftercare, and help you get ready for your new piercing.
Click Here to see: The Best Piercing Shop To Get A Piercing In California
Click Here to check out: Body and Ear Piercing Visual Guide: All The Different Types of Piercings
See you soon!