The Best Halloween Tattoos

Tyler Martina

The Best Halloween Tattoos

The season is upon us again… Halloween! Halloween makes us all think of costumes, candies, and all things scary. The icons of Halloween, unlike the icon of many other holidays are pretty cool, so cool in fact that you may want to show them off all year long in a Halloween inspired tattoo. While you won’t see many people sporting a Christmas tree tattoo or a Thanksgiving turkey tattoo (hey, I don’t judge to each their own…) You will without doubt see people rocking tattoos of skulls, ghouls, and all things Halloween….

That is why we put a list together of The Best Halloween Tattoos! This list is by no means complete and we will be updating this list of The Best Halloween Tattoos annually, so let us know you favorite Halloween inspired tattoos and we may add them to the list….

Without further ado boils and ghouls, here is our list of the spookiest,  the scariest, the coolest, the most iconic, The Best Halloween Tattoos…..

Horror Movie Tattoos

Whether it’s a Jason tattoo, a Ghostface tattoo, or the star of Halloween himself a Micheal Myers tattoo, Horror Movies Killer tattoos and a “Killer” choice for a Halloween tattoo. 

Skull Tattoos and Skeleton Tattoos

Skull tattoos are not only classic Halloween Tattoos, but classic tattoos in general. There are few tattoos as iconic or as recognized as skull tattoos. From traditional to realistic skull tattoos they are a “bone-afide” choice for a Halloween Tattoo.

Vampire Tattoos and Vampire Teeth Tattoos

Vampire Tattoos definitely don’t suck.  These seductive Halloween Tattoos seem to really sink their teeth in, and breathe new life into you… some would say eternal life. Warning: Do not shower in holy water or poke your new Halloween Vampire tattoo with toothpicks. Also, avoid prolonged sunlight with anything less than SPF 3000.


Bat Tattoos

Bat Tattoos make great Halloween Tattoos. Whether you were thinking about an aluminum bat, a wood bat, or any sort of long stick you hit things with…. Just kidding. Although a Walking Dead style baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire would be a sick tattoo, we are talking about the flying variety. So get that Bat Tattoo or Bat Symbol Tattoo for your next Halloween Tattoo.  


Knife Tattoos

Since you will be inflicting thousands of small stab wounds on your own body while getting your tattoo, why not commemorate the experience with the most popular stabbing device in history… The Knife! Knife Tattoos are a sharp selection for a Halloween Tattoo, they really seem to have a penetrating effect...


Spider Tattoos

What’s better to have all over your body than SPIDERS!?   I always hear people saying my favorite animal is not a dog or cat, no, my favorite animals are spiders! So get this fun loving creature as your next Halloween Tattoo. Then, eat the face of your lover in style, with your new spider Halloween Tattoo...

Spooky Traditional Tattoos

Not normal Traditional tattoos, not neo Traditional tattoos, no. We are talking about “Spooky” Traditional Tattoos for a cool new Halloween Tattoo.

Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoos

Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoos are awesome Halloween Tattoos and strangely enough one of the few Christmas tattoos that looks good year round. This awesome movie has anything a tattoo fan would want for a Halloween tattoos, skeletons, ghosts, weird scarecrow ladies, etc. 

Candy Tattoos

Do you have a sweet tooth? If so then represent your love of sweets with a Candy Tattoo for your Halloween Tattoo. It also doubles as making you look more tasty if you are ever stuck in a cannibalistic situation! Fun fact: Candy Corn tastes better in tattoo form than in it’s real form. 

Wednesday Tattoos

Landing right in the middle of the week it is no wonder why Wednesday Tattoos are so popular. People are attracted to symmetry whether in other peoples faces or in Wednesdays case weeks! These tattoos are creepy, kooky, and altogether spooky… Wednesday Adams is the daughter anyone would want. Independent, driven, slightly psychotic… really the whole package. So get a Halloween Tattoo that isn’t as “week” as it might sound, a Wednesday Tattoo.

Clown Tattoos

Don’t be a Bozo when looking for a Halloween Tattoo, be dollar smart not Pennywise and go with a classic a Clown Tattoo. Seriously though, I’m through clowning around, when you are navigating the circus of Halloween Tattoos, Clown tattoos are stealing the show.

Freak Tattoos

Let out your inner freak! Whether you’re a bearded lady guy or a Siamese twin gal, get freaky with your Halloween Tattoo. Freak tattoos are also a great way to disguise your freakness, just like hanging with ugly people, their presence makes you look better by comparison.

Frankenstein Tattoos

It’s … It’s …. Alive! And tattooed on your body! A Frankenstein Halloween Tattoo is a Halloween classic. And, recreate the Frankenstein’s monster experience by getting tattooed on a wooden table strapped down BDSM style metal shackles while being intermittently shocked by a car battery attached to your nipples… Designed for true fans!

Final Girl Tattoos

Strong willed, compassionate, still alive… Final Girl Tattoos. These Halloween Tattoos commemorate the last woman standing in your favorite horror film. Bloody, scared, traumatized, but still alive, and now immortalized on your flesh. 


Witch Tattoos

Witch tattoo should you get for your Halloween Tattoo? With so many choices in may be difficult to decide Witch to go with. Witch is why you should go with the obvious choice a Witch Tattoo for Halloween!

Candle Tattoos

Not only good for romantic dinners or summoning spirits candles also make good Halloween Tattoos. With many different styles of Candle Tattoos there is something for everyone! Candles, not just for 14 year old girls trying to be witches anymore...

Ghost Tattoos

Ga, ga, ga, Ghoooosstt Tattoos! These classic Halloween Tattoos can be scary or friendly like Casper. Ghost Tattoos also show up in pictures unlike real ghosts, and you don’t need a seance to conjure them, just a good tattoo artist.

Demon Tattoos

Quit fighting your demons and embrace them!! Most people hide their demons… not you… you are proud of your demons, and you understand that you can only bury them for so long before they come to the surface anyway. So you expedite the process by getting them tattooed before they emerge. Demons, a great Halloween Tattoo!

Coffin Tattoos

The most famous box of the wooden variety. Before you spend your non-life in one, spend some of you life-life with one on you. Dracula's daytime home is a great idea for a Halloween Tattoo.

Grim Reaper Tattoos

Possibly prolong your life with a Grim Reaper tattoo… Think about it Death comes knocking on your door about to scythe you, then, Boom! You bust out your tattoo in his or her face and say “Look I got you tatted bro”. Then, Death is like “Aw snap, I guess I got someone else to reap right now”. You just bought yourself some extra time…. Thank you Grim Reaper Halloween Tattoo!

Pumpkin Tattoos

Pumpkins are not only good for craving, launching, or to use as replacement head in the event of your decapitation. No, Pumpkins can do way more! And no, I am not talking about cookies, spiced drinks, and fall centerpieces. I am talking about Pumpkins Tattoos! Pumpkin Tattoos are great Halloween Tattoos, and are just another thing to add to the near endless list of things to do with pumpkins in Fall...

Black Cat Tattoos

You watch cat videos everyday, so why not get a Black Cat Tattoo. The added bonus to a Black Cat Halloween Tattoo is that you can never cross it’s path because it is tattooed on your body! Unless someone rips it off, in which case you have bigger things to worry about then Halloween Tattoos...

Costume Tattoos

What’s better than wearing a costume? Wearing a person wearing a costume! Ed Gain give this Halloween Tattoo two flesh covered thumbs up! 

1 comment

  • Aimee Deschaine Berger: August 18, 2021
    Author's avatar image

    Bats and ghosts and a face in decay..
    There all belong on your skin today!

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